And it contradicts individual liberty when we reduce all relationships to individual liberty. This is significant because the American colonists probably had more time to prepare for an invasion and as an addition to, the country of Britain was far away from America. One of the many differences between the American and French Revolutions is that, unlike the French, Americans did not fight for an abstraction. Yes, the second paragraph of the American Declaration of Independence deals in abstractions and universal truths. In 1765, The American Revolution took place by the rebellious united 13 colonies against British power. Toussaint L'Ouverture, in particular, was deeply read in the French Enlightenment. The American Revolution and the Latin American Revolution were similar because they had similar motivations for the causes of their movements. Human reason, they knew, was fallible. The educated middle class read these new and exciting ideas. What once was a relatively free and peaceful place started to feel the wrath of the cruel invaders. Reason alone, unguided by history and experience, was likely to lead one into wild abstractions and the creation of an unstable government. Both the Venezuelan and American revolution had the catastrophic number. That may sound like an oxymoron to you, but you described what it was. He was a son of well-read and educated parents who encouraged him to read and learn. Over taxation came from the 7 years war in which the British and French fought. The pursuit of Liberty is individual only, and it does not allow one to hamper or block anothers pursuit. These revolutions were similar in a way, because they both were fighting against their suppressing powers and one difference was the way that unity shaped the way they gained independence. The American Revolution started in the year of 1775, and was set out to break away from Britain. The two most important differences between these two revolutions are that the French Revolution was more radical and, in a sense, more violent. First, the French Revolution was much more violent than the American Revolution. By the 1750 's, however, as both English and French settlements increased, religious and commercial frictions began to produce bitterness and new quarrels. It is not good, but nobody said it was. That is what both colonial America, and France did. Powerful countries are able to leave a mark in history by escaping their rulers and establishing themselves as their own country; while being represented by a king or a leader who they are proud to be represented by. WebSimilarities Between the American and French Revolutions : Western Civilization II Guides. Latest answer posted February 03, 2021 at 6:26:14 PM. So what? The beginning of the start of these revolutions were mainly due to the over taxation of put in place by political leaders for example Parliament in the case of the British American colonists and King Louis XVI and the nobles in the French Revolution and Haitian Revolution. In the end the French lost the having to hand over, After years of battling the English both on and off the battlefield, America was finally crowned the victor. When it came to majority vote in America and in France, both groups who wanted change also wanted to ensure fair representation in either Parliament or in Estates-General. The Great Similarities and Differences Between The French and American Revolutions. However, it is important to keep in mind the Declarations historical context. Although they had a few similar rights, the American declaration of Independence allows for freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, rights to bear arms, judicial rights, etc. This proposes the question of why is it easier to create a new government than to change an old one. The set up of religion was also very different in France and in America. Both revolutionary groups sought change through the ideas of enlightenment, and were influenced by The Glorious Revolution. Also seen in Britain, the governments way of getting more cash flowing in was to raise taxes. Bourbon French King Louis XIV was a foolish spender, wasting billions in modern money on constructing a fancy palace at Versailles and adorning himself in velvet, gold, and jewels. In both the United States and Haiti, the people were fighting for their freedom from an imperial power. The elite felt they were not part of a revolution seeing themselves only as people who were All those part of the social context of Latin America, felt differently within Indians, on side of the Spanish King, though great abuse fell through. Cornwallis The leader of Britian in the American Revolution. They are similar because the people who rebelled were ordinary citizens taking up arms and attacking their governments. They both had the ultimate idea of having a republican government in which the natural rights of man, equality, and justice were strongly enforced as well as recognized. With starting the revolution on a limited monarchy in Britain, the Glorious Revolution is what gave Parliament more power over the monarch, and some rights were given through the English Bill of Rights. The Declaration used Enlightenment ideas to bolster its list of grievances, mostly from Locke. Both revolutions also caused many people to die. It is also not remarkable, a straw-man argument, and it is a point that we need to move beyond. One of them is the fact that the American's had warships and the French rebels did not. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. "Nonetheless, the Indians of New Spain (and elsewhere) enjoyed a set of legal privileges, exemptions, and protection which significantly interferes with their complete integration into colonial society, and kept them in a legal bubble of tutelage ruptured only with the advent of independent Mexican nationhood in the third decade of the nineteenth century (Van Young, 154). And all-or-nothing thinking approaches to individual liberty leads to tyranny. Just one last question, how similar and how different were the two of them? They also instilled The Bill of Rights to insure citizens would be treated equally and justly. The slogan no taxation without representation aptly summed up one of their chief complaints. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 had transformed the government of Britain from an absolute monarchy into a limited monarchy where Parliament was superior to the monarch. It started because the American colonists were tired of the tyrannical King George III, who was taxing the them without allowing for the colonists to have proper representation in Englands parliament. And what I described above was not that. ? WebSimilarities Between the American and French Revolutions : Western Civilization II Guides. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The French and American Revolution do have some similarities although, ultimately, the two wars are completely different. WebThe French had a desire to put an end to the French Monarchy and develop a more improved government that allowed people to have more rights in the society. WebThe French Revolution and the American Revolution, had many similarities and differences. WebBetween the years 1750 and 1914 the American Revolution the French Revolution and Haitian Revolution were all similar due to what sparked the revolution. Compare the causes of revolution in the US vs. France. These and many other questions can be asked when thinking about the two great Revolutions that took place during this time in history. Ours was a revolution more about home rule than about who should rule at home. That is true even of the all approach to individual liberty because such an approach relieves the elite individual of all social responsibilities. In Haiti, the insurgency of LOuverture was focused on racial equality and ending slavery. It has been brightened for clarity. The American Revolution was largely focused on preserving the unalienable natural rights of citizens. One of the many differences between the American and French Revolutions is that, unlike the French, Americans did not fight for an abstraction. Latin American Revolution: - Revolt of colonies against overseas king French Revolution: - Revolt of lower classes within their own country - Injustices from the monarchies - Inspired by Enlightenment ideas - Economic suffer: lack of food, rights and freedom 1. As seen previously in Britain, France was at a money deficit partially due to war, but also due to unnecessary spending. After many battles and months of unethical living conditions, the colonists won in victory and set in place America. There is not one shred of evidence in the historical record that they believed they had founded either a national government or a permanent Union upon the Declarations self-evident truths. Each country won their revolutions; Besides, France, wished a brand new government and extra money and food offer; but the America simply wished their independence from land; but America was burdensome issues and numbers from land that were laborious on them; and France were those laborious on others for cash to refill them provides., Between the years 1750 - 1914, the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Haitian Revolution were all similar due to what sparked the revolutions and the social groups during, yet differed in the outcome of the revolutions. All comments are moderated and must be civil, concise, and constructive to the conversation. After the war, the British government was in immediate need of money, and they felt that they had let the colonies loose for too long. That is, itde-foundedan empire, it did notfounda new one. Both of the nations were inspired by ideas of the Enlightenment such as natural rights. WebThe French Revolution And The French And American Revolution. the differences between the American and French Revolution from a myriad of approaches. WebThe Colonies in America wanted free from under British rule but wanted to keep the laws and traditions they had acquired from England. In France, monarchs followed a socio-political system titled the old regime, in, In contrast, while the French people wanted a change in government from a monarchy to a republic, they did not get what they fought for, instead the government became a dictatorship, the same or possibly worse that the previous monarchal situation. Both revolutions had similar reasons such as to become an independent Nation and secure liberal rights. Great information and comparison. In order to fix the nations finances, Louis XVI decided to try and tax the nobility, who were generally not taxed. (Gifts may be made online or by check mailed to the Institute at 9600 Long Point Rd., Suite 300, Houston, TX, 77055. The problems that arose and caused the French and Russian Revolution were many. Second, is that both revolutions momentum behind their uprisings was unfair taxation. Wendell Berry was right about abstraction: abstraction is the enemywhereverit is found.[4]Let us turn instead, as Americas Founders did, to experience. This was the beginning of rounds and rounds of unfair taxes enforced onto the American colonists., The American Revolution was a pivotal moment in history, which started because the British colonies felt like they were being oppressed, mistreated, and taken advantage of by the British. In the American Revolution, colonists were rebelling against their ruler. WebHistorical Era: Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s) This activity engages students in a comparison of the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. WebThe French Revolution and the American Revolution, had many similarities and differences. Furthermore, religious and civic ritual of all kinds constantly stressed the centrality of the Spanish king to the colonial commonwealth, and his benevolence and fatherly concern with the welfare of his weakest subjects (Van Young 155). Of course force = evil. What are some differences between them? Haiti, under the rule of France, was one of the richest colony in the world with thousands of enslaved Africans working for sugar and coffee plantations, where as, Latin America, under the rule of Spain, had various people in different social classes, getting segregated. Answers: 3 Show answers What three political groups came out of the french revolution. The creoles discriminated against those in lower classes than themselves. Answer., A Comparison and Contrast of The American and The French Revolution, Background and Reasons for The Beginning of The Great French Revolution, The French Revolution One of The Most Influential in History, The Impact of The French Revolution in The Eighteenth Century on Europe, Was The American Revolution Revolutionary, The Significance of The French Revolution in The General Context of The Existence of The French State, Causes and Effect of The AmericanRevolution. The American and French revolution began because of the high taxes enforced upon middle and lower class people. Although these inspiring ideas all fell under the scope of the Enlightenment, different ideas inspired each revolution specifically based on that country's sociopolitical climate. After the French revolution ended, Napoleon came to power, an event many deem counterintuitive as France wished to escape an autocratic government decades earlier., Before the end of the seventeenth century the French and the English had coexisted relatively peacefully in North America for nearly a century. France wished to debunk the unfair social stratification and the limited rights of the third-estate, ultimately leading to the abolishment of this oppressive regime, while Mexico wished to overthrow an oppressive dictatorship, which eventually ended in the endowment of unprecedented rights to the Mexican people. Each revolution also involved a staggering amount of violence in a protracted war., A major difference was that the Haitian Revolutionaries (eventually) sought freedom for slaves. Francois Dominique Toussaint LOuverture was a French general and former slave, known for leading the Haitian Revolution. Under such a government, novel and untested, liberty would not be secure. That shows that the two revolutions are the same. On the other hand, there were specific reasons to why people resisted and revolted against the leaders in charge. The differences can be recognized by analyzing how the common inspiration led to the production of diverse outcomes within the countries of France and America. With the British having a very strict authority over the Americans, this made them rebel and feel deserving of freedom, establishment of their own people, and that taxes shouldn't go to The United Kingdom. The French Revolution and American Revolution are similar. People had a significant influence in the events that led to the American revolution. WebDifferences in Start The Haitian's restraints were more severe and the rebellion was led by slaves with no rights at all. He has published seven books and scores of essays on early American history. Although they had similar goals, the consequences of these events were different. The American and French revolution were both extremely important in the changing path of world history. The revolutions that took place during this time were influenced by the ideas from the Age of Enlightenment. To answer this, the style of the revolutions must be analyzed. In France, although the land was large, there wasnt any body of water separating the rule. Later, the French Revolution came inspired by the Americans. Haiti was French colony and Latin America was spanish but independence was paramount in both and changed these areas forever. In both the American and French revolution, revolutionary groups stood up for themselves when taxed unfairly and began their journey down the revolutionary road with ideas of reformation and abolishment. The events leading up to the American Revolution began when George III came into power over Britain. Each revolution had liberty as its central goal, with both the Americans and the Haitian Revolutionaries struggling for independence from the mother country. In the American Revolution, American took control of their country from the British and gained their independence. The American Revolution and French Revolution have differences as well. Then, the main differences and similarities between these two revolutions will be explained. The separation and distance between Britain and the 13 colonies worked in favor for the colonists. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Locke all contributed to revolutionary ideas. Americans were more united and had a representative form of government, which granted more equality to their citizens than Latin Americans, who had less unity because of the various ethnic groups, resulting in rigid differences in social class. Indeed, they even transformed Notre Dame into a Temple of Reason and held pseudo-religious festivals in honor of this new deity. Eventually, Napoleon took power at the tail end of the French Revolution and created a dictatorship and wide-ranging French Empire. 4 0 obj The CHOICE to engage in a trade relationship cannot be abused or manipulated, lest it ceases to be trade and becomes coercion. These two revolutions had many similarities and differences. Even the other ones in Latin America were led by Creoles (Spaniards who were born in Latin America). As a result, American society experienced an extreme change in the years following the revolution. WebComparison between both revolutions was that, both were depended on equal rights, radicalism, thoughts from the awareness against dictator control, majority rule government; engaged by the victory of American transformation and depended on the statement of man from the French. Maximillien Robespierre the leader of the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution. Even though these two revolutions started out similarly they also had many differences, Some of the main differences were how the civilizations dealt with the revolution., These rights also came from the values of the Enlightenment. In France, an official state Church was put in place. Those creoles pushing towards revolution to free themselves from Spanish rule felt that the Spanish crown was only abusing, discriminating and holding them back form growing economically. History, 22.06.2019 06:30. They were different in their causes, leadership, and effects. Agree with everything the author said. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Your addendum is also absurd. The lower class was unhappy with their unjust treatment and wanted change. The American and One similarity being that both wanted to escape the rule of their king. The relationship between those expanding West and the Indians is the same as between any high-tech society meeting a low-tech society in history. The American Revolution started out by not wanting bloodshed and violence. Shortly after the French Revolution, Haiti, a French colony, was inspired by the same ideals and had one of their own. The right to not be taxed without the consent of your elected representatives was one of the most prized rights of Englishmen. WebThere were many similarities and differences between the American and French Revolution. This may have affected some decisions made by both in the revolutions as both had different outside influences. They set in place a checks and balances system to insure that this would remain within the government. The French Revolution lasted from 1789 until 1799. The Revolution precipitated a series of European wars, forcing the United States to articulate a clear policy of neutrality in order to avoid being embroiled in these European conflicts. Latin America and America wanted to free themselves from their mother colonies that were dominating them. They had successfully won independence from Spain. They fought back and were unable to succeed. The new government set up was a limited monarchy. WebThe similarities of the American Revolution and the French revolution can be seen by examining the root causes, the rebels, and the lasting impact of both revolutions. Also, in Russia, Stalin seized the lands of the peasant masses and his policies cause millions of deaths. When this became impossible to achieve within the British Empire, Americans declared their independence and then won it on the battlefield. Which then the rebellion led to violence amongst the government and the people. Webcultural similarities between cuba and united states. WebThe French Revolution was inspired by the American revolution. The following information will explain the two revolutions and how their actions created such a monumental change. The American Revolution was mainly a political revolution while the French revolution was a mix of political, social, and an economic revolution. The revolution and American War of Independence were the samples of civilians rebellion against their regime. The French and the American civilians both rebelled violently. This made the process of reformation a longer one for the French. The colonists who rebelled didnt kill King George III, while in the French Revolution they were also rebelling against their ruler but unlike the American colonists they beheaded their king Louis XVI. %PDF-1.3 " eNotes Editorial, 7 Aug. 2019, This is what both the American and French revolutions were taking a stand against. It was mainly composed of middle and upper class people. The United States and Venezuela were both once colonies controlled by European Nations. Both revolutions This example has been uploaded by a student. Was Winston Churchill a Nazi Sympathizer? This draconian treatment of the lower class caused uproar and conflict. Between the years 1750 and 1914 the American Revolution the French Revolution and Haitian Revolution were all similar due to what sparked the revolution. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> WebThe American revolution and the french revolution has some similarities effects of government, social and economic structure such as fighting in a civil war which gave Will you help us remain a refreshing oasis in the increasingly contentious arena of modern discourse? A revolution is to overthrow a government and replace with another. As George III began to work his people into the parliament system, he was able to facilitate an increase taxes in hopes of recovering financially from recent events such as war. It was pretty clear that if the Haitians lost, slavery would return to Haiti. In France, people revolted against the abuses of the French king and the very high taxes that the people had to pay. "Situated as they were between the Spaniards and the masses. It is amazing! The Haitians fought valiantly for their independence from France. Unique of similar, the French and American Revolutions were amazing moments in history that produced great changes then, and can still be learned from now. R3B#W\VEVtl:iMn3(P"wDCjZQcz=*\$&sD$ r@\NE^~F54k,AL9C8 In comparison, the first instances of declaring independence were used, not seen in the magnitude that they were declared in before. WebDifferences And Similarities Between The American And The French Revolution. The ending of both revolutions differed greatly as well. After the incident in Massachusetts with the discarding of tea over the tea tax rebellion, the monarchy through Parliament increased oppression. To try and do something about the rebellion, the king, Louis XVI called the Estates-General. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. They both wanted change from an absolute ruler. On the other hand, violence and taxes were not the only players in the prelude to the Revolution. Even with different outcomes and variances in successes, the impact of both cannot be denied. I definitely recommend using this for future essays, papers, etc. In spite of all the similarities, the American Colonists had uniforms and the French did not. The point here is that where these and other legal and administrative remedies were applied in favor of the Indians of colonial New Spain, they were applied in the kings' name. Economic problems for the French political economy of the was tragic. What are the advantages and disadvantages of freedom? The French and American revolutions were two revolutions that had the mind to change the government and to set up a democracy so that everyone could have equal rights. They fought for liberty, equality, and fraternity. Neither equality nor fraternity can be achieved through force by the state. The creoles wanted more than equality for themselves and less than equality for their inferiors" (Lynch, 44). How is it that France is so unsuccessful compared to the Latin American Revolution which had similar causes? Compare and Contrast Essay on the French and American Revolutions: This was an essay designed to explain the similarities and differences on the French and American Revolutions. Leon, How was the Latin American Revolution different compared to Haitian, American, and the French? In 1810, The Venezuelan Revolution began with many reasons to go against Spain. The economic changes allowed the U.S to advance as a country, however there were some problems with equality. By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the terms and conditions of our service. France started, The French and American Revolutions were significant revolutionary movements that essentially played a vital role in shaping modern nations. They did this to permanently remove the power of Church authority within the government. The American Revolution started in the year of 1775, and was set out to break away from Britain. The major similarity they both shared were that the Revolution for both occurred in But you can one from professional essay writers.
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